Discord app download link
Discord app download link

discord app download link

Though it’s worth learning all of the shortcuts, here are some important ones to get you started: They even provide a keyboard combo cheat sheet that you can access by pressing Ctrl + /. You can check out this markdown cheat sheet to learn even more syntax.ġ2 keyboard Shortcuts for improved efficiencyĭiscord is full of keyboard shortcuts that make your life easier.

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For example, if you want to bold and underline something, you’d use _**text**_. You can also combine formatting if you like. Block quotes: > text (put a space between > and text).If you’re new to markdown, here are some of the basic markdown syntax you should know: If you’re already familiar with markdown, then no introduction is necessary. If you’re a fan of markdown, a markup language used to format text using a plain text editor, then good news! Discord supports it. When something is tagged as a spoiler, the user has to click the tag to show the text. This also works for links, so if your link is a spoiler, be sure to tag it! Just add two horizontal bars on each side of the text ||like this||. There’s also a markdown syntax you can use.

Discord app download link